Wednesday 3 December 2008

Oh Boy!

Did I ever mention that I got to know this talented lady Claudia who takes fantastic pictures as well? Maybe I am just so lousy at photography, she just impresses me with all the angles and interesting subjects/ poses she and her husband can take with that camera of theirs with the long lens and all...

Anyway, these were pictures taken of Asher at Lily's house during the mooncake festival gathering we had here before Claudia packed up for Beijing. I didn't even know that there was a shot of me hugging Asher and kissing him so tight!!! I had cropped away my fat arms! Ha ha ha! And I love all the pictures of Asher that they took that I wanted to scrap everything. Asher was in a good mood cos' he had his nap before Papa brought him over. He's usually an afternoon boy, not the morning type anyway.

So I had everything squeezed in, ran out of ideas for embellishments, decided to cut up my Fancy Pants paper and layer those cutsie pictures. And I found that rub on quote that just ties in with my 'Frog Prince' theme! It reads: A boy is truth with dirt on his face, beauty with a cut on its finger, wisdom with bubble gum in its hair, and hope of the future with a frog in its pocket. Alan Marshall Beck.

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